Thursday, July 16, 2020

Whitney Houston - Cautionary Tale?

What is a cautionary tale? When it comes to Whitney Houston, should the story of her life and death be called a tale at all? A cautionary tale is a tale told in folklore, to warn its listener of a danger. For Whitney, there was danger but why warn the listeners that way? Everybody is saying different things about Whitney and how she lived and died. You can tell that there are things left out and not being said in the story. I don't believe that the whole truth is told. The story doesn't add up and left as a mystery of how she really died to my mind.

Sometimes I have to wonder if the story was being told to us from the beginning while Whitney was alive. She told us about some of the fears that she had. We saw signs of depression on her face. Whatever it was about, I do not believe that some of it was of her own demons.

Whatever happened to Whitney Houston, God is not pleased. If other people were involved in Whitney's death, they also have a price to pay. It is possible that they will pay the price worse than whatever so called price Whitney had to pay for fame. Whitney may not have been an angel, but she still was somebody's child. That child belonged to God. It was him that took her on out of this world to be with him. And if she is not gone, (because I didn't see her body, and I didn't see her buried) God is with her where ever she is.

Hollywood dressed Whitney in a black cloak in the movie, The Bodyguard. It is a place of fantasy. It is a place that can tell you the truth in diguise through movies and stories. Maybe that movie told us what was actually going to happen to Whitney. Usually, black represents darkness or death. However, if Whitney is in heaven, God has given her a white robe. He has more to offer in his kingdom than that of Hollywood. And remember, life is not fantasy, the people .. they are not fantasy, and neither is God.

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