Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Voice The Crown

 In the beginning, when I first saw Whitney, to me, she was a spiritual and special person. I do not remember any other singer like her in the days of the 80’s. When I saw her singing gospel with her mom and brother one night on television, I felt like there was some kind of hope for something better in life. Whitney was more than a singer. Whether she knew it or not, she was a leader. Whitney may not have been perfect in her personal life, but she was perfect enough that if she reached out to her fans and told them to stay away from the bad things in life, they probably would have done it because they looked up to her. 

Whitney Houston had some affect on me. It made me feel good that she grew up in church. It made me feel good to hear her stories how her mom got on her case, because the same stuff was happening to me. I thought people that grew up the way Whitney did couldn’t get a career in singing blues because of how she served God. Then, I learned that her mom was a singer too, and Whitney was blessed to make it. So I always kept my eyes and ears open some when it came to Whitney. I knew she was going to have some frustrations. I kind of understood who Whitney Houston was when she talked about her mom and her upbringing. For some odd reason, I felt like Whitney was my family. I still do.

When it was pronounced that Whitney passed away, I was in a very close relationship with God. My mom had passed away and then we lost another great singer. We had lost MJ, Aaliyah, Selena and then Whitney. The comforter had come to visit me. They were very important to some of us, and I know they were important to God as well. He told me to keep Whitney in my memory.

Today, I still think of Whitney. She was the queen in singing. I think of her as the voice who wears the crown.

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