Friday, April 10, 2020

Whitney and Her Family Brought Some Hope

 The night I saw Whitney singing Wonderful Counselor with her mom and brother, I'll never forget the happy spirit my mom had. My mom would shout, "Sing Y'all!" My mom loved gospel music, and she knew what the songs were all about. We both watched Whitney and her family sing. My mom would say something like, " Look at them people out there in the audience. They are enjoying that." My mom said some other things. She had me thinking about me, my brother, and her doing things together, and what was it about Whitney and her mom that seemed so much like me and my mom? And because of Whitney's mom being  a lady in the church, I felt that Whitney was a winner. She looked like she had a good mother behind her. Whitney's family appeared to love the church. They brought some hope. I had never seen anyone in the music business like Whitney. 

I know that Whitney is gone. I know for sure that my mom is gone because I saw her die. But why do I feel from God that it's not over yet? He doesn't like for me to say that my mom is gone. He didn't want me to worry about the death of Whitney. Well, all I can say that in God there is always hope. We've got to trust and believe in him. We don't know what God might do. He's got all power. People make mistakes but that doesn't always mean we fail. 

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