Saturday, November 21, 2020

Something Weird about the Grammys 2012

When Whitney Houston died, a lot of us were confused about the Grammy's and Whitney. Everything was happening so fast. When the stars arrived at the Grammy Awards, to me, they really didn't seem surprised or hurt about Whitney at all. I'm not sure if some of the stars really even knew how to comment. Whitney is just gone all over a sudden. Then I hear someone talking about a Clive Davis party. And I thought, "What party? When? Where?"

Not only that, but Whitney's death and the news about how she died didn't sound like Whitney. There was no investigation on murder at all. It made me feel like Whitney said NO to something and somebody got mad. For some reason, Whitney had to die, and I don't believe it was in God's plan. I don't believe she died from drugs. If it had been my child, Hollywood would have been on lock down. I believe they lied about Whitney's death. The media can tell you anything. Hollywood can cover up and try to make things sound good. There is no shame. Yes people die, but why lie? Why not the straight truth? Fans are hurt. Whitney was a human being with feelings and so are her fans.

I love Whitney, and if she were here and couldn't sing any more, I would have accepted the fact. If she had sickness or pain, I would have accepted the fact, and prayed constantly for a miracle to God. All I wanted was Whitney to live and be here. 

I think Whitney would have been a lot happier without Hollywood. If Whitney felt like singing, she could have made some recordings in her home and added them to iTunes. She was famous enough that people would have listened. Everything is done online today. I believe Whitney had learned a lot in the music business enough to know about what to do. She didn't need all that Hollywood pressure. There is pressure a lot more when you can make the millions. People love their money and want you in the spotlight. They drain you dry.

Well, Whitney is resting now. She should still be here. There are many in the grave that should have been living today. God is not happy. He sits up high and looks down below. Believe me when I tell you it is not over.

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