Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Something Higher Than Jersey

Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Yes, Whitney Houston was from Jersey and from the black race. However, God did not care about where she was from nor did it matter to him about her race. Whitney had something inside of her. God gave her singing talent and allowed her into the Rock-N-Roll world. She went in to entertain the world, but she didn’t forget to praise God. When she walked into the Rock-N-Roll world, she brought clean and meaningful music. After a while, something of that world did not want it. Whitney woke some people up with her talent. Minds started to open. Whitney was showing those in music what real music was about. Whitney had something from heaven and she was teaching it. She was a threat to something of that world called Rock-N-Roll. It is a world where evil doesn’t have to exist. Whitney Houston help to prove that by simply using what God had given her and carrying him with her wherever she went. 

Something about Whitney Houston didn’t connect with the spirit of some. Whitney was different with her talent and rare. It had nothing to do with being black or white. I do believe it had more to do with God. Whitney wanted the world to accept her, but when you are trying to stand for something good, you have to forget the world and do what is needed to be done. Let the world be the world. Whitney had something special and was not like the rest of the world with it. I wish I could have told her while she was living.

When God gives you something, you don’t need to be like everybody else. Just follow the Lord and do things the way he tells you to because his way is better. Whitney was clean with her music. And God allowed her to have success, fame, and money. But when you want the world to accept you, it makes you go in the direction of the world to fit in with everyone else. The Lord was Whitney’s very best friend. The world around her was doing her wrong.

Being from Jersey and being black was not important. Whitney had something higher than that. God was her maker. He was her family and the Lord of host.

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